Monday Mix-Up! Superbowl Edition | Baltimore Photographer

Feb 4, 2019

Just another manic Monday…. 😉 That song is stuck in my head and now it’s probably stuck in your head, too! How did you feel about the Superbowl last night? Such a polarizing event! A little recap on our lives lately is here for you!

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Things I Should Do Now That I’m 30 | Happy Birthday to Me | Maryland Photographer

Aug 21, 2018

Milestone birthdays are a lot like New Year’s. Time is taken to reflect on the years before and dream for the years ahead. You make promises to yourself and all sorts of big plans. So, here are 30 things I should probably start doing now that I’m 30.

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Monday Mix-Up | March 2018 | Baltimore Wedding Photographer

Mar 19, 2018

This new season as a mother of two certainly takes some getting used to! Baby feedings, diapers, and snuggles mixed with homework, chores, and legos on the floor is not for the faint at heart. Dylan is 3 months old now and I’m starting to get into a groove that works for our family. Now to get into a groove that works for work! So here’s a recap of life in my house lately!

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29 Things I Have Learned In 29 Years | Birthday Blog | Personal

Aug 21, 2017

In celebration of my 29th birthday today, I’m sharing 29 lessons I have learned in my 29 years on this earth. Click over and read! Happy Monday! 


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Our Engagement Session | Winshape Retreat | Rome, Georgia | Amy and Jordan

May 4, 2017

Facebook Timehop, what a wonder you are! This morning you reminded me that exactly one year ago today Chris and I were running on about three hours of sleep and #allthecoffee! 

Maybe I should rewind a little bit. As soon as Chris and I got engaged, we knew that no matter what Amy and Jordan would be shooting our wedding.

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Monday Mix-Up | Maryland Wedding Photographer

Apr 24, 2017

Trying to get back into the swing of things after a week of spring break has been tough! Anyone else struggling along with me? I’ve got to get back on track! Got any motivational tips for me? 

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Monday Mix-Up | Spring Break Edition | Maryland Photographer

Apr 17, 2017

Baby goats, parking garages, The Wizard of Oz, and collard greens. What do they all have in common? 

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Outsourcing | For Creatives | Baltimore Photographer

Apr 7, 2017

Let’s file this under something I never imaged I would be writing about! Outsourcing! For a long time I firmly believed that I, in fact, can do. it. all. #Allthethings #Allthetime Who’s with me?

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Our Fells Point Wedding | Monday Mix-Up | Maryland Photographer

Apr 3, 2017

Oh friends, the time has come! Since today is 4 months since Chris and I got married, I figured it was a perfect excuse to share some of our wedding photos! I have shared a few here and there but today’s the day! I tried not to pick too many… but you can be the judge of that! 😉

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Monday Mix-Up | Baltimore Wedding Photographer

Mar 27, 2017

Another week full of #adulting has come and gone, and here’s how it all went down!

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