Aug 21, 2018
Milestone birthdays are a lot like New Year’s. Time is taken to reflect on the years before and dream for the years ahead. You make promises to yourself and all sorts of big plans. So, here are 30 things I should probably start doing now that I’m 30.
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Aug 6, 2018
How is it August already?! I’ve been hearing that a lot this past week and have totally been feeling the same way. This summer has flown by! I sound like a cliche, but it’s true. With two kids, two businesses, and a workshop to plan, I’ve been going non-stop sun up to sun down.
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May 14, 2018
Life around here has been going and going and going lately! I guess that’s what happens after a winter of hibernating with a new baby. Once spring rolls around- you’re in full swing! For photographers, spring means engagement sessions, family shoots, and the start of wedding season. For moms, it means end of the school year activities, assemblies, field trips, and summer prep!
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Mar 19, 2018
This new season as a mother of two certainly takes some getting used to! Baby feedings, diapers, and snuggles mixed with homework, chores, and legos on the floor is not for the faint at heart. Dylan is 3 months old now and I’m starting to get into a groove that works for our family. Now to get into a groove that works for work! So here’s a recap of life in my house lately!
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Nov 6, 2017
Travis is such a big part of my life (pun intended) that I thought I really ought to share a little more about him! Travis came to us almost four years ago in December. I have ALWAYS been a dog person and have had dogs literally my entire life. I’ve had english bulldogs, labs, and mutts, but Travis is my first mastiff! And let me tell you, I am completely infatuated with him!
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Oct 3, 2017
I admire the ambition you both have towards following your dreams. An idea will pop into your heads and if it feels right, you make the next move. Whatever obstacles are in your way, you always overcome them with grace. I think everyone can learn from your positivity and determination. That houseboat that didn’t float, that farm that you waited and waited for, and those silos that didn’t look like much from the outside, but you had vision and now it’s more than you ever could have imagined. You’ve created a brand, a lifestyle, and you’ve set an example that if you put your mind to it and stay true to yourselves, you can accomplish anything you dream up.
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Aug 21, 2017
In celebration of my 29th birthday today, I’m sharing 29 lessons I have learned in my 29 years on this earth. Click over and read! Happy Monday!
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May 4, 2017
Facebook Timehop, what a wonder you are! This morning you reminded me that exactly one year ago today Chris and I were running on about three hours of sleep and #allthecoffee!
Maybe I should rewind a little bit. As soon as Chris and I got engaged, we knew that no matter what Amy and Jordan would be shooting our wedding.
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Apr 24, 2017
Trying to get back into the swing of things after a week of spring break has been tough! Anyone else struggling along with me? I’ve got to get back on track! Got any motivational tips for me?
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Apr 17, 2017
Baby goats, parking garages, The Wizard of Oz, and collard greens. What do they all have in common?
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