Apr 10, 2017
Monday is here, again! Crazy how that keeps happening! Getting the blog out a little earlier than usual today because we’re all headed to the zoo! It’s spring break for Brody this week and we have something planned for almost ever day! I can already tell I’m going to need a nap…
Brittanie and James got married yesterday! They had the sweetest ceremony and were surrounded by their friends and family. Toasts were made by their parents, Brittanie’s sister, and her grandfather even sang them a song! There were dance competitions, Old Bay cupcakes, and a conga line! It was the best way to spend a Sunday!
We’ve been settling into a new routine at bedtime since our new couch was delivered. One of the downfalls of our old one was that #GeneralTravisMagoats and all 130 pounds of him spent about 18 hours each day on it! During the day we don’t allow him up there and he’s now started sleeping in Brody’s room. Some mornings we go in to wake up Brody and he’s curled up in a ball because Travis decided Brody’s bed looked better than his own!
I watched an awesome documentary on Netflix called Food Choices. I just happened to stumble across it and I was hooked right away! They talk about the benefits of a plant based diet from all sorts of angles. I can’t say that it’s something I’m going to fully embrace, but it definitely got me thinking!
And speaking of vegetables… we’re getting closer and closer to having a garden full of fresh produce! We’re trying a bunch of new things this season! We’ve picked out bok choy and purple potatoes among the standard tomatoes and green beans. We tried bell peppers for the past few years and they just haven’t been successful for us so we skipped over that this year. We’re also trying new methods from growing some things! For instance, we’re growing our carrots in milk crates! I’d tell you more, but Chris set that up so I’m pretty much clueless 🙂
Here’s a little sneak from James and Brittanie’s big day!