Embrace Spring Cleaning For More Than Just Your House | Maryland Lifestyle Photographer

Apr 26, 2019

‘Tis the season for spring cleaning! I talked a little bit about little known spring cleaning tips a few weeks ago. If you’ve been bitten by the cleaning bug, and you’re looking for other ways to improve your life, I have got the post for you! It’s so great to get my house in order, and there are a bunch of other aspects of my life that I’d love to get more control of. Here are a few more spring cleaning ideas for you!

Clean Up Your Email

Oh my gosh email. Email never takes a break. It doesn’t take the weekend off, and there is just sooo much of it. Luckily, this is a totally simple thing to clean up a little bit, and it can be done from the couch while a movie is on! Go through your email archive and mark off anything that needs to be dealt with. Then unsubscribe from as many newsletters as you can that you aren’t reading. All those unread sale emails from three months ago? Yeah, you probably don’t shop there anymore. Get those out of here! It seems like such a small thing, but your email inbox is just like your desk – the more cluttered it is, the less productive you feel.

Refine Your Schedule

What are you committed to that you don’t have time for anymore? That you simply don’t want to be doing anymore? What are the things that you want to be doing that you aren’t because you have other commitments? Spring ramps into summer and I know we get super busy! It can be really hard to say no to people, especially when you want to help. I know I’ve definitely had times when I’ve tried to do it all – and it’s super duper hard. This is the perfect time to think about what you’re doing in your life, and what you want to prioritize.

Spring Cleaning Tips Maryland Lifestyle Photographer

Organize Your Kitchen

Hi, I have spices in my kitchen and I don’t know how old they are. Side note – do spices expire? An easy way to ease into spring cleaning the kitchen is to go through dry products and spices and check if they need to be thrown out. It’s a quick win before tackling the biggie – cleaning out the refrigerator. And please let me know when cinnamon expires!

Check in With Your Bank Account

Planning on going on vacation this summer? Now is the time to put those budgets together! I think part of good financial health is revisiting where the money is coming from – and where it’s going – every once in a while. Spring sounds like a good time to do it! Who knows, maybe you’ll find some free trial that you signed up for that’s now charging you 9.99 a month. Cancel that and treat yourself to coffee!

What Are You Spring Cleaning?

Let me know in the comments below! I’d love to hear how you’re preparing for the upcoming summer season!


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