Monday Mix-Up! Superbowl Edition | Baltimore Photographer

Feb 4, 2019

Just another manic Monday…. 😉 That song is stuck in my head and now it’s probably stuck in your head, too! How did you feel about the Superbowl last night? Such a polarizing event! A little recap on our lives lately is here for you!

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Monday Mix-Up | Maryland Photographer

Feb 20, 2017

Another week has come and gone! Back at it again this Monday morning. Feeling recharged from the lovely weather and my first wedding of the 2017 season! Leave me a comment and tell me how you spent this weekend!

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Monday Mix-Up | Maryland Wedding Photographer

Feb 13, 2017

You might notice I did a little redecorating around my online home! I officially launched my new brand on Friday and am really thrilled about it. This new site feels a lot more like me. I’ve added sample galleries, lots of new content, and even something really exciting for creatives! This is something that has been on my heart for a really long time and I am ready to make it official. If you’ve just started a creative business or are thinking about it, let’s have coffee! Having built this business from literally nothing and turning into something that provides for my family, brings me joy, and has fostered lasting friendships; I want that for you! Small business really sets my heart on fire. I’ll be talking more about this in a later blog post so stay tuned!

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Monday Mix-Up | Baltimore Photographer

Jan 16, 2017

I wish I had a great excuse for my absence here on the blog, but it’s as simple as LIFE. Fall was absolutely crazy- a ton of weddings, engagements, families, and oh yeah- I got married, too! Planning a wedding during the craziest wedding season I’ve had was insane!

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