Branding Photography

Brand Photography | Anne Casey Photography

Jan 18, 2020

Let’s make today a small business Saturday, shall we? A lot of small business owners wear a lot of hats. Seriously, ALL THE HATS. But when it comes to advertising or marketing many find themselves lost. What photos should you put on your website? Should I select a selfie out of the 243 I took this morning and make that my business’ profile pic? And what on earth am I even going to post on Instagram, this photo I snapped with my iPhone of my computer open? Of course not! And here is where Brand Photography comes in to help you!

Brand photography is simply that. Photography that captures your branding and tells your business’ story. So whatever you do and no matter how many hats you wear, let a photographer take a load off and handle your marketing and advertising imaging for you.

Let’s use Megan as an example. She is the brains behind Artisan Brand Studio which is a graphic design company that creates branding and materials for other small businesses. However, she knew that she can handle a lot – but setting up her phone in various locations and trying out that weird self-timer, run and pose thing just wasn’t for her. Even if she could manage to do so she knew the final photos would need editing that she didn’t know how to do and most likely she wouldn’t like the outcome. So she gave me a call. We went over what she planned to use the photos for, how she could use them in the future and what she wanted to be covered in her session. Then we got to work! Check out some of her shots below! If you think you could benefit from a branding shoot for your business let’s chat about it!

Branding Photography
Branding Photography
Branding Photography
Branding Photography
Branding Photography
Branding Photography
Branding Photography
Photography by Anne Casey Photography


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