Monday Mix-Up | Maryland Photographer

Feb 27, 2017

The Monday Mix-Up was created to give you a glimpse into the life of the person behind the camera- me! I love sharing a recap of the past week, showing you what my little family has been up to, and where we’ve been going!  Follow along!

March starts on Wednesday! Time goes by so much faster when you’re an adult. I really think this is true! Today I have been working on my Powersheets for March and the spring. Speaking of March- daylight savings begins on the 12th! What?! I have a hard time adjusting to waking up before the sunrise, but I think I just need to get over it. No matter what time of the year it is, I’m up before the sun. I think it’s time to tell my body to get used to it!

A few weeks ago I put a fresh coat of paint on our hallway and removed all of the frames. I still haven’t put them back up yet because I want to take the time to plan out a gallery wall. The first step is completed! I ordered new prints for the frames and hopefully I will achieve a somewhat cohesive look.

Chris sold the Wrangler!! For as long as I’ve known him, 10+ years, he’s driven a Jeep Wrangler. I’ve said before that we are a Jeep loving family, but hold on to your hats… we now have a Subaru! We traded in for a few reasons. With a little help from Dave Ramsey Chris traded in the Wrangler and not only came home with a Subaru, but some extra money in our pockets! We also talked about how a two door soft top vehicle isn’t really quite conducive to family life. As much as we love taking the doors and top off in the summer, if we’re lucky enough to grow out family, putting a baby carrier in the back of that thing is going to be darn near impossible! We know that some day down the road we’ll welcome another Wrangler into our family, but maybe that one will have 4 doors instead of 2.

My body has been a mess lately! A few months ago I strained my neck and I have no idea how! I finally decided to go for a massage and it really helped! I’ve committed to monthly massages and I think that will be a real blessing come wedding season! I also have a lot of pain in my left leg. I’ve gone for x-rays of my knee to rule out anything more serious, but or now I have a tendonitis diagnosis. I have a podiatrist appointment later this week to see what is wrong with my foot. I have been having terrible pain that feels like it’s more bone than muscle or tendon! Not to mention the toe I sprained two months ago that still hurts… #hotmessexpress.

On a brighter note- the weather last week! Insanity! We had a picnic lunch at the Science Center on Friday and it was glorious! The kids were so happy and got to run around by the inner harbor and rode the bus with the windows down. It was a beautiful day! We were able to turn the heat off for a few days and even sleep with the windows open! The daffodils are blooming and my tulips are coming up! Mother Nature is really confused.

So, do you think we’re in for a blizzard in March? Or are the temps going to stay mild and we’ll coast on through to spring? Tell me below!


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