May 17, 2016
I have known the Cooper family for so long now! I went to high school with Sarah and her older sister Jess. Sarah and I were inseparable for most of my high school years. Theatre productions, sleepovers, trips to the beach, proms; we spent a lot of years laughing together! She had asked me about needing family portraits and then mentioned that they hadn’t had family portraits done since she was a little kid! Their family sure has changed in that 20+ years since those last photos were taken. Sarah is now a nurse and homeowner, Jess is married and has two adorable daughters, but one thing hasn’t changed much! Their mom, Cathy, is the same witty spitfire as she was back then! Cathy and Jess run the Marstellar family farm stand on their road and grow all of the produce, collect the eggs, and milk the goats. They work tirelessly but love it. It’s been in their family for generations.
Naturally, their family session just had to take place on the farm! They had picked out a perfect spot down by the pond for their portraits. I was delighted and a little nervous that the pond with in the field with their cows. I’ve been around cattle for most of my life and it was fun getting to be around the spunky younger ones, but they would also creep up behind me while I was shooting and I was just so sure that one of them was going to head-butt me! That didn’t happen, but they did sneak up on me while I was shooting! I also got to meet their three pigs and the goats and, ladies and gentlemen, there were BABY GOATS. Jess gave me the go-ahead to snuggle them for a minute after the session was over and it made me so happy! Note to self: future home must have room for goats.
Take a look at a few of my favorites from their long overdue family session and ask yourself when the last time was that you had your family portraits taken! If your family has added another generation since then, it’s time for new photos!
The cows were sneaking up behind me during this set!
I would love to wake up to a view like this every morning!
How sweet are the girls and their little goat buddies?!