Life Lately | Monday Mix-Up | Maryland Photographer

Aug 6, 2018

How is it August already?! I’ve been hearing that a lot this past week and have totally been feeling the same way. This summer has flown by! I sound like a cliche, but it’s true. With two kids, two businesses, and a workshop to plan, I’ve been going non-stop sun up to sun down.

Speaking of the workshop, The Anne Casey Workshop is on FRIDAY! Months and months of planning are all coming together for what I can only hope will be a tremendously awesome day. Swag is getting packed, content is getting it’s final edit, and most importantly, I have found my outfit! Ha! Make sure to keep an eye on the #annecaseyworkshop hashtag on Friday!

We took our first vacation as a family of four to the Outer Banks in the beginning of July. I feel like I had been planning and packing forever! We Went with my side of the family and had an absolute blast! I’ll be sharing more about that- there’s so much to talk about that it deserves it’s own blog post!

You may or may not know that each year, my husband and I plant a pretty big garden. We’ve got strawberries, watermelons, kale, lettuces, tomatoes, squash, snap peas… the list goes on! We’ve even got a lemon tree! Because I didn’t have any weddings this past weekend, I spent a lot of tie out there. It has sort of become a jungle- oops! I was pruning back some plants, harvesting lemon cucumbers (SO yummy!) and trying to see just how many watermelons had started to grow. I found SIX watermelons and I’m so happy! This is a unique type- their insides are orange! These suckers also grow to about 25 pounds, so I might be inviting you all over for a watermelon party.

Dylan is growing like a weed! She’ll be 8 months tomorrow and is the quickest little crawler ever! She’s in 12 month clothes (girl’s got an appetite, what can I say), waves hello, gives high-fives, and is the happiest little baby ever! Brody turned 8 while we were at the beach and really enjoyed sharing his birthday with everyone. We took him to play lazer tag, made two cakes, and had tacos for dinner. He was one happy kid!

I hope summer has been going really well for you! Have you been on vacation yet? Tell me below! Bonus points if it’s somewhere that you’d take like 16-18 people, because we’re already plotting our next big family trip!


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